? SSL Secure Websites |
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httpS:// security - effective Jan 1

All our new websites are now SSL secured

  • ssl encryption image

    mediaworx - VPS & SSL

    Google recently announced that they are coming down hard on websites that are not secured. Basically, anyone on the network can interrupt your website before it arrives at a searchers destination. They indicated that the new version of their web browser 'Chrome' (January 2017) will start telling people if websites are not secure! It appears that either the words 'unsecured' will appear in the search results and/or a red X will appear over the padlock in the top left hand corner of the address bar.


    This may have a negative effect on your web traffic, as people would be very wary about clicking on a site that is marked as 'unsecure' by Google as something bad may happen!


    Securing your website means purchasing an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate. This is available from us on a yearly fee


    All new Mediaworx websites and our premium future|webs range, will now be encrypted with a SSL certificates.


    This will greatly enhance your sites security and make it difficult for hackers to hijack your website and turning into something else!


    If your current site is not https:// (look at your web address in the address bar) ie: https://futurewebs.com.au .. you can easily purchase a SSL certificate from us.

    NEWS: In line with the above, we have recently upgraded all our web clients to VPS (Virtual Private Server) This will increase website delivery speed and upgrade security.

    checkout future|webs website