complete web design & media packages
Only mediaworx can provide you with a coordinated approach to your website design, marketing and sales. Consumers are in information overload and don't read much.
As one lady put it. 'TLDR' = Too Long.. Didn't Read!
Websites must change! You used to have around a minute to engage
someone.. it's down to around 7-10 secs now! "Mental energy is the new consumer currency. The less they have to spend, the more likely they are to buy!"
Does your website dump a load of unwanted information on them? People want answers to questions,
not info anymore.. and preferably in a visual form. 'Infotainment'
'If you want to inform me, you had better entertain me'
Age of Disruption speaking engagements with John.
We WON! Mediaworx awarded "West Australia Website designer of the Year" 20/21 by PRESTIGE AWARDS:
NEWS: mediaworx awarded Cocos-Keeling islands TV commercials. Our "WA's hidden Gem" combines with Cocos winning "Best beach in Australia' award!
B2BEXPO: We have been at the new Sydney International Convention as both exhibitors and invited Seminar Speakers, helping us keep in touch.. so you don't have to.
NEWS: Rise of third party websites. We are seeing companies create 3rd party sites to help sell its products.
Example is KFC's 'Home Cricket Ground'
Getting on page 1 of Google is now vital
Top Spot: - 2023: Statewide Power website takes top unpaid spot for 'off grid power West Australia' + 'off grid power wa' + 'off grid power west aus' search terms. Highly competative industry ~ We even beat Western Power!
View our latest web designs (scroll < > ) Click to enlarge
Whitetail Travel
West Aus
Premium travel agency. Brief: Create site that engages emotionally. Use of premium pictures that don't look like Queensland!
Lapis Essence
Aus wide
Premium skincare range. Brief: Site to radiate quality, simplicity with easy navigation and videos.
Revival Beauty Salon
Beauty salon. Brief: Create a site with both visual & emotional engagement, creating a sense of expectation.
Southern Car Care
West Aus
All aspects of car care: Brief: Professional business with credibility. Window tinting, car stereo. Vehicle accessories.
Go Nuts for Donuts!
West Aus
Bright, colourful and fun site to help brand them and a reference point for Country shows.
Apartment 115
Margaret River
Luxury apartment located in the main street of Margaret River. Designed to capture both the feel of the region and the quality of the apartment
Bunbury Caravans & RV Centre
West Aus
Created to engage people with the adventure, not the product.. 'Dream ~ Explore ~ Discover'
Clash of Clans
Clash of Clans website for "Heralds' clan, based in USA. International clan! Worlds most popular online phone game with some 200 million plus players. Form your own clan.. go raid village. :)
TV Commercials
created to engage with consumers (scroll < > ) click to play

Rationale: Sell the 'adventure' plus the 'experience'
Idea is to capture the emotion of open cockpit flying, (I want what she's experiencing) both for those who just require a 'level' flight plus something for the more adventurous ones. Driving people to the website on their tablets whilst they watch their television.

WoW: We are already entering the world of 8K Ultra HD.
In the last six months, the staggering rate of development has seen 8K UHD arrive! Above: You can see the comparison of 8K UHD compared to SD (standard definition) picture size. This is producing unparalled picture quality on HD broadcast and video.

Karratha Tilt Tray & Towing
Catchy disco style jingle, designed to highlight what they do: "Move it. Tow it. Lift it. Pull it" voice over at end. Created to reinforce what the customer is likely to want, instead of the old "We have been in Pilbara for 12 years.. etc etc.."

VampFit 'Grass is Greener' campaign
GWN7 Feedback: "Our receptionist Lisa said that she loved the advert & was wanting to see why the grass was greener, the Meerkat got her attention" ~ "Don from Trade Supply, saw it on 7TWO, again loved the Meerkat & wanted to see where the story went"